Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Team Guideline - Parent Conduct

JOHN ROSE 619-540-1221 bajabound10@cox.net
DENNY HAY 619-778-4984 Haycougs91@Sbcglobal.net

In order for our girls to achieve our goals we need the support of every parent in the following areas.

1. This league does not keep score. Our goal is to limit runs and try to get 3 outs before 4 run rule. This is a developmental league so we will be addressing the season with the following plan.

a) Many position shifts, non-strategic approach - 1st half of season
b) Less position shifting, more strategic approach - 2nd half season
c) Playing to win - end of season tournament.

2. Fielding will be basic. Concentrate on force outs, especially 1st base. Outfield (exception right field) will throw to cutoff, then to 2nd. Softball is a game of catch. Please try to have your daughter catching or throwing the ball 3 times a week at home

3. Pitching (and to a lesser extent catching) takes a major commitment outside of regular practice. If you are interested parents need to commit time to help you develop at home.

4. Parents please do NOT coach players from the stands. Often you are contradicting what we as coaches are trying to have them do in a game situation. Also - too many instructions makes any player nervous. Parents may shout encouragement, affirmations, and give positive reinforcement to their players.

5 - Game time conduct is important. Your child needs to remain in the dugout and focused on the game. You as a parent need to remain in the stands and out of the dugout. Coach Denny and I are available for any discussion or feedback that you may have after practices or via phone. We are NEVER available to discuss issues, concerns, or strategy during a game.

6. Please have your player to practice and to games at scheduled times. Give thought to the food they are eating before practices and games.

7. VERY IMPORTANT*** - In the event of rain or any other important communication issue - the form of communication from us to you is email. We can not and will not be able to contact everyone via phone. CHECK YOUR EMAIL to determine if a game is cancelled, of for breaking news about our team.

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